Our Vision

Healthy, growing, fruitful
A plant exists in order to produce fruit and to reproduce. We want to be fruitful as a church, to see God’s Kingdom come and see lives transformed by Jesus. We long to see the Spirit of God transform our town for the better. In order to do this, we must be a healthy plant that is rooted in faith, prayer and wholesome relationships. When the tree is healthy, it Is ready to grow! We long to grow by seeing people come to know Jesus.
Community of Faith
We are a community - a family. Families have people of multiple generations all together as one. Each is valued and has a place to belong, to contribute and to grow. We are the family of God, gathered around Jesus, united by the Holy Spirit.
Inspiring and equipping
Jesus is captivating and inspiring person in history! We want to communicate this amazing truth to the world. As disciples we all need tools to equip us for the journey. We want to enable people to live their lives for Jesus wherever he has placed them, at home, at work, at school and when we gather together.
This generation and the next
We are a community for every generation. We are also a community where each and every member of the church family is committed to raising the next generation of disciples in Morley, to ensure that we pass on a solid foundation of faith to this community so that God is worshiped and glorified here for generations to come.
To follow Jesus
Because Jesus is the centre of all things. He's the reason we exist. He's our purpose for today. He's our hope for the future.
In Morley
Location is important. We are part of the Morley community and want to be a blessing, encouragement and healthy challenge in this town. We pray that God would renew this whole town for his glory.
Our Mission
The vision that God has given us is lived out in the mission he calls us to. Our mission can be summarised in three points (SPM):
Sharing God’s love
We want to share God’s love in word and action. To bless Morley in practical ways with acts of kindness, generosity and service. To encourage and build others up and to demonstrate the grace of God in all that we do. We do this, because we believe that God’s love is the solution to the problem’s and needs of the world.
Praying for renewal
We can do nothing without prayer! We believe that prayer changes the world we live in and so we are committing to daily, weekly and yearLy patterns of prayer both together and alone. We are praying for God’s Kingdom to come and his will to be done. First we pray that God would transform and renew us. Then we pray that he would bring spiritual renewal to our Town.
Making disciples of Jesus
Jesus’ great commission to us was to go to the ends of the earth to make disciples. We love Jesus so much and think that the best thing for everyone is to be a follower of His! So we look for opportunities to inspire and equip others to follow Jesus. We want to be people who encourage one another as we follow Jesus together.